Book Review: Daring greatly

Reading is one of my favourite things to do, if you follow me on Instagram this is not a surprise. I usually have one to three books going simultaneously. My kids know when I take a bath I will be in the for a while with a book. So I have decided I will add book reviews to the blog! I mostly read books that fall into the self help genre, but also a lot of books that focus on topics related to pregnancy and birth, so you can expect a mix of that. And then maybe the occasional fictional novel, we will see.

I just finished the book Daring Greatly written by Brene Brown. I have been following Brene for years, seen lots of interviews with her, listened to her podcast, but this is the first book I read by her. She writes in a very easy to understand way and combines her research with personal stories. I think it creates a great balance in this book and made it an enjoyable read.

What I take with me from this book: How much shame affect the way we operate in the world. It starts when we are young and it creates patterns, habits and defence mechanisms that are hard to change. I love how Brene makes our need for being vulnerable and not letting shame takes the wheel so clear. My favourite part was when she breaks down the difference in how women and men live according to shame.

Who should read this book? All humans. I think there is always space to improve, to evolve to understand yourself and other people better. I think this is a book I will hold on to (I try to give my books away after I read them if I don’t think I will re-read the) and read again. The chapter about parenthood reminded me what is important and in which areas I can improve. Brene makes it clear that she’s as imperfect as the rest of us, but her examples are so clear and spot on. Our children are our greatest teachers.

This quote I have heard Brene Brown mention very many times. It is a powerful one.


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