“Am i allowed?”
“Am I allowed?”
This question I’ve heard so many times in different way at different times related to pregnancy and birth. “Am I allowed to say no to the blood glucose test?” Or “Am I allowed to tell the staff I don’t want them to touch my baby after she is born?” Or anything similar.
Yes, you are allowed. You are allowed to be in charge of your body and make choices concerning it. You are allowed to take up space, claim the space and set boundaries. You are allowed to give birth where you want to, how you want to. You are allowed.
I don’t know if it’s a Swedish thing, this asking for permission when it’s about your own person. But I definitely think it’s a female thing. It’s in how we are raised, in how popular culture teaches us to be, and in how we are treated in society. Though giving birth is seen as something very feminine and very powerful by most people there is still a clear power imbalance in our society between genders that feed into the patriarchal structure in which we live. Most men wouldn’t stop to think or ask “Am I allowed…?” When it comes to making choices about themselves, but a lot of women do.
I wanted to highlight this and tell you that if you find yourself asking “Am I allowed…?” Then the answer is yes. You are allowed to do whatever you want to your body. Did you ask for external permission when you ate breakfast or took a poo? Probably not. What you do with your body is always your choice. Don’t let anyone take that away from you, claim it! Stand in your power, use your voice! Own it! Are you allowed?
Yes. Yes. Yes. You are allowed.